Author: fiberartcreator


This is a doll in a pink dress. I had a relative ask me to make a doll for her daughter. I had never made a doll before so I searched YouTube for a video to help me make one. I used one video that showed how to make the doll, another to help me […]


This is a small purse. I got the idea to make a smaller purse because not everyone likes a big purse. I use two different colors that compliment each other so it makes the purse nice and strong. There is also on the inside bottom a piece of plastic canvas with felt glued to the […]

The Grinch

This is a Grinch Scarf. I made this for my Father-in-law because he calls himself The Grinch. There was no pattern or video to show how to make a Grinch scarf so I had to freehand him. My father-in-law wears it every winter. He is so cute my Aunt ordered some from me for her […]

College Team Colors

This hat pattern was done in different colors on the photos of the pattern I used. Since I have friends and family who like certain College teams I got the idea to change the colors to their team colors. It is great for the cold winters where I live. Whether it be shoveling snow or […]